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· 2 min read


  • Added data AP 46.


  • Types (Ex/Su/Sp) are now shown next to Class Features & Options when relevant.
  • NPC skills that are automatically added (like Perception) can now be disabled.
  • Added stat block page for Mechs.
  • Equipment can now be renamed from the inventory.
  • Base Frames in the Starship creator can now be filtered by size and sorted by name, cost and size.
  • Spells in the Character and NPC creators can now be filtered by range, saving throw, spell resistance and harmless.
  • Spells on the Character sheet can now be cast from their sidebar.
  • Added selection on the sheet for the feat Deadly Aim.
  • Equipment in the Character Creator can now be filtered by affordability.
  • The system in which an augmentation is installed can now be selected in the sidebar.
  • Stashing or unstashing an item will now appropriately update all other items attached to it.

Bug Fixes

  • Added missing descriptions for Preserver's Mantel and Shobhad Harness armor sets.
  • Fixed various issues with the archetype Instinctive Metaphysicist.
  • Fixed formatting issue with bulk display in the sidebar for items which can store things.
  • NPC template grafts for summoned creatures that provide energy resistance equal to CR now provide a minimum of 1 ER of the listed type.
  • Fixed XP earned not being exported as part of the character PDF.
  • Fixed description for the Commander Fighting Style.
  • Fixed Ryphorian racial trait Keen Senses not adding a bonus to perception.

More Statistics

Given the positive response to the last set of stats I thought I'd post some more. This time, the stats are focused on the other things you can create in Hephaistos: Creature Companions, Starships, Mechs, Vehicles and NPCs. The post is available on the Hephaistos Patreon (link).

· 3 min read


  • Mystic Epiphany Expanded Skill Channeling now also marks selected skills as class skills.
  • Items that can store things (eg. Backpack, Glove of Storing etc.) can now have equipment added to them from their sidebar.
  • Bonus descriptions in sidebars are greyed-out if they aren't applicable in the final calculation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect source for the Ghibrani race.
  • Fixed Operative Exploit Versatile Movement not granting bonus to swim and climb speeds.
  • Solar Shield's unarmed strike now takes the feat Improved Unarmed Strike into account.
  • Added description for Shiftskin armor.

Feature Voting

Two new features have been added to the list of potential features:

  • Starfinder Society Support: Support easier creation of SFS legal characters.
  • Change Log: A log of changes and updates made to a character, starship etc. including selection of class features, purchasing equipment and so on.

2nd Anniversary

This release marks the second anniversary of Hephaistos' original release. In the past year there's been support added for Mechs, Vehicles, NPCs and Creator Companions, along with innumerable smaller features and bug fixes. I wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everyone who has used the website, suggested features or reported bugs. The continued rapid improvement of Hephaistos is very much a community effort. Looking ahead, I'm excited for what's to come in year 3 with Homebrew support already in the works, and Infosphere and Campaign Management being the next highest ranked features.

Version Number & Beta tag

With this being 2nd anniversary I feel it's a good time to bring in some changes in how Hephaistos releases are versioned. From this release on, the website's version number will consist of a single number (eg. v54 instead of 0.54.0). The "beta" tag will also be dropped from the version. The website has been continually improving in the past two years, and while there will always be features to add and bugs to fix, I think Hephaistos is at a point where I'm comfortable drawing a line in the sand and calling the "beta" phase done.

Character Statistics

Partly because it's the 2nd anniversary, and partly because I thought people may be interested, I've compiled a set of graphs showing the distribution of races, themes, classes and archetypes across the characters in Hephaistos on the Patreon (link). If you have any suggestions for other statistics you'd like to see, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

· 3 min read


  • Added items and special materials from Drift Crisis.
  • Added data from AP 45.
  • Added Diatha, Khefak, Thasteron Khefak & Purple Core as special materials for equipment.


  • Envoy Expertise Talent Additional Skill Expertise now allows you to select the skill it applies to.
  • Added buttons on the Creator > Source page for Rulebooks, Modules, Society Scenarios and each AP series to be quickly enabled or disabled.
  • Mechanic Trick Technological Innovator now allows selection of subsequent tricks.
  • Precog Focal Paradoxes that apply to chosen skills now allow selecting of skills.
  • Added increment & decrement buttons around the "Adjust Price" input within the Buy & Sell dropdowns.
  • Runeworm augmentation now has options to reflect it's usage to upgrade an existing Mk 2 personal upgrade.
  • Added caster level check stat in the Spells section of the Character Sheet. The classes that contribute to the caster level can be configured and the resultant number can be clicked to roll the check.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed feats Technomantic Dabbler, Reality Glimmer and Connection Inkling missing options for newer spells.
  • Fixed issue with Weapon Specialization granting all operative melee weapons bonus damage.
  • Fixed description for augmentation Focusing Membrane Mk 2.
  • Starship shield controls and DC Ability dropdown in the Weapon sidebar are now disabled in read-only mode.
  • Fixed Aeon Stone Viridian Bablis not increasing movement speed.
  • Envoy Expertise Talent Skilled Linguist now provides bonus languages.
  • Fixed typo in Mystic Ephiphany Mystic Flare.
  • Updated Starship Quick page to display the correct maneuverability taking modifications to the distance between turns into account.
  • Fixed reduction to armor check penalty from Soldier Fighting Style Guard being erroneously applied in certain cases.
  • Fixed casting time for spell Grave Words being listed as 10 minutes instead of 1 minute.
  • Precog Anomaly Time's Anchor now affects Base Attack Bonus as described.
  • Fixed filtering weapon accessories by the Weapon Type they can be installed on.


This release also marks the start of the work for adding Homebrew to the website. The scope of this feature is quite ambitious: to allow you to create your own options for any choice on the website. From weapons, to character themes, starship base frames, mech limbs, vehicle modifications, NPC grafts and everything in between. Because of this scope, it only makes sense to break this feature down and release it in stages, which is what I'll be doing.

The first stage will focus on the most important and technically challenging aspect: how homebrew interacts with characters, starships etc. The goal is to lay a solid foundation for this interaction, though at the release of Stage 1 you may only be able to homebrew something simple like weapons. After that, subsequent stages should only be a matter of constructing the user interfaces to create various homebrew items.

Well, that's the plan anyway. We'll see if it survives contact with the implementation.

· 2 min read


  • Added themes, class options, spells, feats, starship options, weapons, armor, armor upgrades, ammunition and augmentations from Drift Crisis. Remaining data from Drift Crisis (items and special materials) and AP 45 will be added in upcoming releases.


  • Mystic Connection spells are now part of the PDF export.
  • Gear besides weapon is now listed on the NPC Sheet's Quick section
  • Added ability to search and sort creations.
  • Updated description for Nanocyte Faculty Infestation's Malignant Mist feature to include a "damage by level" table.
  • Added variant 0-level spell scaling rules to the description of the relevant spells.
  • Custom bonuses can now be added for weapon attack rolls (including NPC and Creature Companion attacks)
  • Added buttons on the Starship sheet to reset, zero and balance shields.
  • A weapon's save DC (used for critical hit effects and special properties) is now shown in the sidebar.
  • Descriptions for relevant weapon critical effects and special properties are now available each weapon's sidebar.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed creature companion Iridian Echo's Technician ability being incorrectly named and not adding skills.
  • Fixed incorrect description for Mechanic feature Combat Tracking under the Selections 2.0 tab.
  • Fixed Mechanic's Combat Tracking not providing correct bonus when activated at certain class levels.
  • Fixed description for the Biohacker Field of Study Genetics' inhibitor based on errata.
  • Fixed incorrect description for spell Calm the Storm.
  • Fixed energy resistance from Ryphorian racial trait "Trimorphic" not stacking as expected.
  • Fixed damage reduction from Half-Orc racial trait Steelskin not stacking as expected.
  • Fixed Mystic Connection Geneturge providing Detect Affliction instead of Detect Augmentation as a connection spell.
  • Fixed weapon Microserrated Toothblade being listed as level 3 instead of level 5.
  • Fixed default shield point allocation not accounting for cases where the total shield points are not divisible by 4. Excess SP will now be allocated to the forward arc by default.
  • Fixed incorrect description for Witchwarper class feature Infinite Tech.
  • Replaced blightsight with darkvision in the Dwarf subtype graft.
  • Fixed minor typo in the description for Solarian class feature Stellar Sage.
  • Fixed special abilities from Class grafts not showing on the NPC sheet or stat block.
  • Fixed not being able to disable special abilities from Class grafts.

· 2 min read


  • The "Overburdened" sidebar in the inventory now shows sources for the final calculation.
  • Vehicle modifications in the Creator can now be sorted by Level and Price.
  • Biotech augmentation for the Personal Modification feature of the Geneturge Mystic Connection can now be selected.
  • Increased creation limit from 30 to 60.
  • Starship Interstellar Drives in the Creator can now be filtered by maximum size.
  • Mystic epiphany "Expanded Skill Channeling" now allows selection of skills to apply the list bonus to.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed errant UBP display on the Creator > Equipment page.
  • Fixed spells Lesser and Greater Remove Condition being listed as on the Technomancer class list instead of Witchwarper class list.
  • Vanguard discipline Metabolic Stability now automatically adds Diehard as a bonus feat.
  • Fixed Character JSON export containing class features that weren't selected.
  • Starship systems whose cost relies on the cost of the Base Frame (eg. Colony Ship Framework) now properly account for Squadron HQ cost adjustments.
  • Feat Swimming Master now actually adds a swim speed.
  • Elf racial trait Forlorn Connection now actually gives a +2 bonus to diplomacy.
  • Fixed bulk calculations to take items that increase carrying capacity (like backpacks) into account.
  • Death-touched theme benefit "Inured to the Grave" now adds cold resistance.
  • Fixed half-orc racial trait Professional Focus not providing bonus ranks beyond level 1.
  • Fixed class skills acquired at first level through class features (eg. Solarian's Solar Adept feature) not properly being accounted for when calculating theme knowledge benefit.

Creature Companion Creator

This release adds the Creature Companion Creator based on the rules introduced in Alien Archive 3.