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  • Added complex filtering for remaining all equipment.
  • Corruptions are now on the infosphere.
  • Diamond-Edge and Molecular Rift Arrows, and Tactical and Advanced Missiles now modify the damage of the weapons they're loaded into.
  • Added an equipment view for browsing equipment to the Play > Treasure section of the Campaign manager.
  • Vanguard Discipline Entropy Shield now adds a shield to the inventory and a selection to the Quick > Selections tab to switch between it being inactive, a Riot Shield or a Tactical Shield.
  • Fusions installed in Solarian Crystals now show up on the Sheet > Quick page.

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • Fixed complex filters ignoring source restrictions.
  • Item Camouflage Membrane and augmentation Skin of the Chameleon provide now bonuses to stealth as described.

Hephaistos 2Eโ€‹

  • Custom counters can now be added on the Sheet page.
  • Languages can now be selected in the Creator > Ancestry > Overview section.
  • Added support for versatile heritages.
  • Added ammunition from Field Test #1.