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· 2 min read


  • Added Skill Expander and Holographic Projector upgrades for starship VI.
  • Added missing starship system "Observation Sensors".
  • Added Technological items and Class Options from the GEM.

New UI

  • Added mods tab for the character sheet in the new UI.
  • Added drones to the new UI.

The new UI is now the default and the current sheet has been deprecated. It's still accessible for now but will be removed in a future release.


  • Ability to restrict sources for races, themes, classes, feats, equipments and drone mods. This currently does not limit class features or racial traits, but that will be added in a future release.
  • The plus button on the "Create New Character" and "Create New Starship" items can be now clicked.
  • Data is now sorted in proper numerical order so, for example, "Mk 10" is listed after "Mk 2".
  • Powered melee weapons now have proper capacity and usage values allowing batteries to be installed in them.
  • The Creator > Details page now has separate input boxes for each language a character should know. Additionally, the number of total languages is shown.
  • Proficiency can now be overridden for each Weapon, Armor and Shield. Additionally, Specialization can also be overridden for Weapons.
  • Improved equipment searching to allow the search term to contain disparate fragments or out of order words.
  • The number of expansion bays provided by the base frame can now be overridden.
  • Ability to restrict sources for starship systems.

Bug Fixes

  • Mechanic tricks Visual Data Processor, Overclocking and Hyperclocking now provide bonuses as expected.
  • Fixed drone sheet not loading in read-only mode.
  • Fixed the Hydroponic Garden expansion bay incorrectly taking only 1 bay.
  • Fixed drones having incorrect BAB, Save & AC bonuses.
  • Fixed issue with bonuses from Weapon Focus and Versatile Focus feats stacking.