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· 2 min read

New Character Creator UI

The new character creator UI should now be complete and has been made the default when editing a character. The old UI still exists but is deprecated; it will be removed in the near future.

Feature Voting

You can now vote for features you'd like to see on the website. Clicking on the "Features" link on the footer will take you to a page where you can see potential features listed. You can then rank some or all of them based on your preferences. The page also shows overall rankings of all features, and features that are being actively developed.


  • Armor sidebar inputs now show a value of 0 instead of being blank.
  • The Guard fighting style now actually provides bonus to Armor Check Penalty and Max Dex from armor.
  • Updated all numerical inputs to have actual plus/minus buttons and allow them to be blank.
  • Added missing prerequisites for most feats. There are still quite a few feats that don't have their prerequisites evaluated automatically so this is just part of an ongoing effort to improve that.


  • Fixed issue with Common being automatically added to the list of languages on the Sheet.
  • Fixed Bow special weapons using thrown attack stats instead of ranged.
  • Fixed incorrect price for the Molecular Rift Switchblade.