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· One min read

Preview Mode

A new "preview" mode has been added that doesn't require you to sign in. This can be accessed using the "Continue Without Sign In" button on the main page. In this mode, you can create a character as normal though you will still need to sign in to save any characters you create.


You can now add afflictions to your character using the newly added "Afflictions" section under the "Sheet" page. Each affliction has it's own track and stage, which you can edit as required. Simple effects, like enabling conditions and penalties to various rolls, are automatically applied based on the track and stage.


  • Penalties to ability score modifiers and encumbrance limit from conditions is now taken into account.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where having no armor or shield equip would result in a -4 penalty due to lack of proficiency
  • Fixed option selection for feats that are added automatically (eg. Skill Focus for Mechanic with Exocortex)
  • Fixed spelling error in the beta banner