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· 2 min read


  • Added data from AP 48.


  • Magic Resistor armor upgrades now automatically grant SR.
  • SR is exported as part of the PDF under the "Resistances" section.
  • Mystics with the Akashic connection can now select a profession skill to receive bonuses from the Selections 2.0 section of the Character Sheet.
  • Destiny's Device feature of the Starsinger archetype now automatically grants proficiency and Weapon Focus for starknives.
  • Nanocyte class feature Eldritch Array now automatically adds Technomancer spells to the class spell list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed spelling error in the description of armor upgrade Sonic Dampener.
  • Fixed extraneous commas in the languages section of the exported PDF.
  • Fixed duration of spell Greater Invisibility to be 1 round/level instead of 1 minute/level.
  • Fixed issue with Improved Unarmed Strike causing the damage dice for Unarmed Strikes to be 0d3 for characters lower than 4th-level.
  • Fixed theme Planar Traveler missing having two instances of the Plane of Fire as options while missing the Plane of Water.
  • Fixed incorrect price and level for augmentation Inner Gyros.

Homebrew - Phase 3 Complete

This release expands the homebrew support to include:

  • Ammunition
  • Class Feature Options for existing features, so you can homebrew Biohacker Theorems, Mechanic Tricks, Operative Specializations and more.
  • Alternate Class Features for existing classes.