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· 2 min read


  • Added data from Ports of Call.


  • The ability score used for each skill can now be overriden.
  • Selected spells in the Creator > Class > Spells section are now first ordered by level, then alphabetically.
  • Starship AC, TL, DT, CT, Max HP and Piloting Modifier can now be overriden.
  • The Multifaceted Nature feat now has options to select a racial/species trait.
  • Homebrew Starship Power Cores can now have descriptions.

Bug Fixes

  • Shell Knuckles can now have ammunition loaded into them.
  • Fixed issue preventing selection of additional spells when using the prepared spellcasting variant.
  • Fixed issue on the Feature ranking page where preferences would appear to not load correctly.
  • Nanocyte feature Nanomedicine now automatically changes the Medicine skill to use Constitution if it's higher than Intelligence.
  • Fixed weapon Battletune being incorrectly listed as an Advanced Melee weapon instead of a Basic Melee weapon.
  • Fixed typo in description of Serum of Hibernation (Potent and Diluted).
  • Fixed typo in description of the Spell Sergeant archetype.
  • The bonus to fortitude saves gained by Stelliferas is now only shown when their hydrobody is active.
  • The Pearly White Spindle Aeon Stone now actually provides a bonus to caster level.
  • External Expansion Bays now actually increase the number of available expansion bays and increase the distance between turns as described.
  • Starship expansion bay Drone Tube no longer takes up an additional bay.
  • The Vesk and Goblinoid NPC subtype graft now list "armor savant" as a defensive ability.
  • The Void Zombie NPC template graft now lists "susceptible to salt water" as a weakness.
  • Added missing Dimorphic trait to the Lashunta and Gnome species. If you already have a character with either species, you will need to activate this trait manually from the Creator > Race section.
  • Added a brief description to the sidebar for the Cloud Array Nanocyte class feature option.

Spell Statistics

The next post of stats is now available at, this one looking at the popularity of spells at each level.


Thanks to everyone who dropped by the Hephaistos channel during PaizoCon. I am honored to be part of such a supportive community for this wonderful game.

In case you missed it, you can find a preview of the upcoming Infosphere feature at