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· 3 min read


  • The Pincered LFAN feat now has an option to pick between normal Natural Weapons or Natural Weapons with the Operative property, as described in the feat. Note: If you've selected this feat on an existing character, you will need to choose one of these options in the Creator > Feat section to get the described benefit.
  • Weapons in the Creator > Equipment section can now be filtered by category.
  • NPC adjustment Brute now adds a tag that can be added to NPC attacks to automatically apply the described adjustments.
  • Added an equipment tag for the Technomancer alterate class feature Cache Augmentation which can be applied to augmentations.
  • Miniturization upgrade for Computers now automatically reduces bulk as described.
  • Bonuses to ability scores from race/species and theme are now greyed-out in the sidebar to indicate they are ignored when using Ability Score Quick Picks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Intimidate bonus for Starship crew members was not showing in the stat block.
  • Fixed Operative Exploit Death Strike reducing damage from the feat Deadly Aim, instead of just reducing damage from Weapon Specialization for Natural Weapons.
  • Fixed typo in the name of the weapon Boomknuckles.
  • Fixed typo in the name of the armor upgrade Medical Analysis Kit.
  • Fixed shields with no max dex showing up as -1 in the Creator > Equipment > Shield sidebar.

Dice Roll Events

This release introduces an event-based API for dice rolls. When a player click on a modifier to roll dice, an event is fired off in the web browser which can be intercepted (e.g. by a browser extension) to perform actions as part of an integration. Technical details for this API can be found in the Hephaistos documentation.

Campaign Manager

This release adds two features to the Campaign Manager: showing Creations in the read-only view, and a shared inventory.

Fistly, GMs can now mark Creations so that they are shown on the Dashboard in read-only view. This can be done from the sidebar for each creation in the Prepare > Player Creations section within a campaign.

Next is the ability to have a shared inventory for all Creations in a Campaign. A new Shared tab will appear alongside the Current and Stash tabs on the Sheet > Inventory page (or Creator > Gear & Attacks > Inventory for NPCs) when a Creation is part of a Campaign. Additionally, a Treasure section has been added to Campaigns, which functions as an inventory for campaigns where GMs can prepare treasure or loot. GMs and Players can transfer items between their respective inventories and the shared inventory, and changes to the shared inventory will be automatically propagated to others.

With these updates, I think the core of the Campaign Manager is done. As always, improvements and bug fixes will continue to happen for the Campaign Manager, as with the rest of the website.

Next Up: Infosphere

Since the core Campaign Manager is now completed, it's time to move on to the next major feature, which based on the rankings will be the Infosphere. As a brief reminder, during PaizoCon a few months ago I put up an early version of the Infosphere here: While it's very much an "alpha" version, it should give you a good idea of what I'm aiming for, and also provide oppportunity for early feedback.