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· 2 min read


  • Scyphozoans now have a selection to activate or deactivate Acidic Tentacles.
  • Added missing feats from the Worlanisi section of Interstellar Species.
  • Level/Tier and some additional information is shown in the Creature Companion, Starship, Mech and NPC cards on the Creations list page.
  • Incomplete sections of the Mech and Vehicle creator are now marked with an asterisk.
  • Augmentation Intensification Antennae now let you select which sense the bonus applies to.
  • Augmentation Ultralight Wings now provides a selection on the Character Sheet to fold or deploy the wings.
  • Added a one-half BAB scaling option in the Class homebrew editor.
  • Foundry Hephaistos Importer module has been updated to 0.16.0 (Release Notes).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where quickly transferring items between the current and shared inventory could result in some items getting lost.
  • Added missing traits "Size and Type" and "Darkvision" to the Gnoll species. Note: If you've got an existing Gnoll character, you will need to activate these traits manually from the Creator > Race section.
  • Fixed Worlanisi characters not having Limited Telepathy listed as a Sense on the Sheet > Quick page.
  • Fixed issue where duplicating characters from read-only would lead to the new character having incorrect stats.


  • Added remaining equipment categories (Armor, Powered Armor, Armor Upgrades, Weapons, Shields, Ammunition, Weapon Accessories, Weapon Fusions & Rituals).
  • Added Classes.
  • The list of all spells can now be filtered by Range, Casting Time, Saving Throw, Spell Resistance, and if they're harmless.
  • The "See All Results" link in the search dropdown now leads to a results page.

Starfinder 2E

As you all are no doubt already aware, Starfinder 2E got announced at GenCon. Supporting SF2E in Hephaistos (and learning PF2E) is something I'll be thinking about as we move forward, but the full release is still two years away. In the mean time, I want to reassure anyone who may be concerned that my commitment to Starfinder 1E hasn't changed. I will be continuing to work through the roadmap (, and adding new content from official releases as they happen. I also intend to continue adding features, improvements and bug fixes for SF1E for as long as I'm getting feedback from the community.