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  • Added data from Angels of the Drift #4.
  • Updated with latest errata.
  • Removed duplicate entries for Bone Spines and Blaze Scimitars.


  • Descriptions for Class Features in the Creator > Class section can now be collapsed. Additionally, unselected class features are collapsed by default.
  • Class features and drone special abilities can now have notes added to them in the Creator.
  • Weapon names on the Mech > Sheet > Quick page can now be clicked to reveal a sidebar with more details.
  • The Quick page of the vehicle sheet now shows separate base and modification prices as well as the total price of the vehicle.
  • Specialized resolve point uses from Starfinder Enhanced are now part of the Character Sheet Quick page.

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • Fixed incorrect warning when attempting to set the dice sides of a homebrew weapon via Dragonscript.
  • Fixed oddities in the description of the Starship Expansion Bay Launch Tubes.
  • Fixed Solarian Alternate Class Feature Broken Cycle so you can now select either two Zenith Revelations or one Zenith and one Stellar Revelation at 9th and 17th level.
  • Fixed incorrect price showing in the Vehicle stat block.
  • Fixed Sonic damage being shortened to "S" instead of "So" in the Infosphere.