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· 3 min read


  • Added data from AP 51.
  • Added Pyric Revenant and Pyric Wraith NPC template grafts.


  • Added "Weapon Effect" and "Equipped Effect" fields in the homebrew manager for weapons.
  • The wealth sidebar in the Inventory now shows a more detailed brekadown of prices.
  • Spell Command, Greater now includes the description of the Command spell.
  • Increased NPC limit to 120.
  • The Throwing weapon now updates a weapons range when installed.
  • Envoy alternate class feature Tech Whisperer now allows selection of skills, and replaces the Skill Expertise class feature to better represent the difference in options and progression between the two features.
  • Added documentation for item and weapon properties.
  • Added documentation on sharing creations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Halfling species trait Cunning only providing a +1 bonus to skills instead of +2.
  • Added missing traits on Robot Dragon template grafts.
  • Wealth calculation for characters now takes drone inventory into account.
  • Fixed minor visual issue where attack bonuses from both the Weapon Focus and Versatile Focus feats would appear to be active, when only one of them should be.
  • Fixed Drift Crashers AP parts two and three being listed as Modules instead of Adventure Paths in the Sources section.
  • Fixed AC overrides not being represented in the Mech, Vehicle and NPC stat blocks.
  • Fixed issue where rituals would be exported as null in the JSON file.

Campaign Manager - Phase 1

With the release comes the first phase of the Campaign Manager. You can now:

  • Create Campaigns.
  • Add player creations (characters, creature companions, starships, mechs, vehicles and NPCs) to a Campaign.
  • Restrict sources for all creations in a Campaign.
  • Add homebrew which will be available to all creations in a Campaign.
  • Have a dashboard to quickly see stats for all creations in a Campaign.

When I first mentioned I was working on the Campaign Manager a few release posts back, I got suggestions around having some sort of item sharing capabilities. These matched some ideas of my own, so that's what I'll be working on for Phase 2. However, before we get there I'd like to refine what we already have, so give the campaign manager a go and let me know what you think. I also want specific feedback about the dashboard: what stats would be helpful to see there? is there any other functionality that would make it more useful for you? and so on.

Importing Into Hephaistos

One feature request that comes up frequently is importing characters, starships etc. back into Hephaistos. The current JSON export is designed to support Foundry and Roll20, and so, doesn't have the correct information to be able to import it back into Hephaistos. Before I start thinking about implementation or adding it to the Feature Voting page, I'd like to understand the use-cases people have for this feature. Broadly speaking, there seem to be two reasons for importing into Hephaistos:

  • Backup and restore/transfer characters: This is the easier of the two use-cases, since only Hephaistos needs to know about the inner workings of the "backup" file.
  • Import characters from VTTs: This is the harder use-case to implement, since Hephaistos will need to interpret each of the different VTTs' export formats.

If you're someone who would like to see this feature implemented, please let me know what your use-case is (one of the two above, or something else).