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· 3 min read


  • Added a reference for actions, including Mech Special Actions, to the Mech Sheet.
  • Added stat block view for Vehicles.
  • Improved handling of armor upgrades that have a capacity and usage but do not require a battery (eg. Haste Circuit, Teleportation Unit etc.). Such upgrades no longer require you to install batteries to track charge usage.
  • Moved UPBs to be under the "current" and "stash" tabs in the inventory to allow UPBs to be stashed.
  • Additional skills for Sheath Array can now be selected for the Versatile Nanites Nanokcyte Knack.
  • Active sklll for Envoy class feature Signature Clothing can now be selected on the Sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect name for Vehicle Mod "Deflective Field" (previously listed as "Detective Field").
  • Fixed incorrect description for Blip-Drive vehicle mod.
  • Fixed description for augmentation Thorgothrel Armature.
  • Dwarf racial trait "Slow And Steady" now maintains land speed at 20 ft. even when equipping heavy armor or encumbered.
  • Fixed Tagtech Rifles not having the Injection special property.
  • Fixed typo in description of multiple Archetype features where the word "type" was written as "r#type".
  • Fixed incorrect level and price for augmentation Electrical Affinity. The augmentation will now also add the spells Jolting Surge and Energy Ray to sheet.
  • Fixed Expertise Talents being part of the Gear Boost selection for an NPC with the Soldier class graft when their Primary Fighting Style isn't Commander.
  • Fixed typo in the description for Reinforced EVA Suit armor.

Improved Selections

The "Selections" tab on the Quick page of the Character Sheet has been part of Hephaistos since the original release. It was designed to account for decisions that can be made and changed frequently, such as the type of resistance provided by a Solarian's Solar Armor. However, the original implementation was limited in a number of ways that have become more obvious as time has passed. This release introduces an improvement to the Selection implementation that aims to overcome these limitations.

The new selections can be found in the "Selection 2.0" tab on the Quick page. If you had any selections in the current "Selection" tab you should find the same list of selections in the "Selection 2.0" tab, though it should be noted that the options you've selected will not automatically carry over to the new tab. It is recommended that you unselect all options in the current tab and reselect the same options in the "Selection 2.0" tab. The "Selections" tab is considered deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Additionally, some options were relegated to the "Selections" tab even though it doesn't make sense for them to be there, like choosing a Connection for the Mystic Epiphany Secondary Connection. These options can now be selected within the Creator where it's appropriate for them to be.

Next Up: Animal/Creature Creator

The next feature to be added to the website will be the Creature Companion Creator. Even though it's ranked second after the Homebrew feature, it should be significantly less effort to implement than Homebrew and doing so will "round out" the player focused functionality on the website.