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· One min read


  • Added Drone PDF export.
  • Updated Character JSON export to include effects for feats and their options.
  • Most races with natural weapons now automatically have the damage type and special properties of their unarmed strike adjusted.
  • Armor Upgrades can now be installed into slots provided by racial traits and drone mods.
  • Removed restriction preventing installation of multiple TIMs (or any other system) on starships.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where specialization damage for Mystic Flare wasn't calculated correctly.
  • Installed Upgrades, accessories and fusions now show up on the Inventory page in Read-Only mode.
  • Fixed issue where Weapon Specialization bonus for Vanguard's Entropic Strike was not properly calculated.
  • Fixed issue where the Combat Trick Operative Exploit wouldn't give a bonus combat feat.
  • Fixed some Technomancer spells showing up as not being on the class list.
  • Fixed some typos in equipment names.