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· 2 min read


  • Added ability to select options for Precog Temporal Anomalies Future Training and Multifocal.
  • Augmentations, Weapon Fusions, Weapon Accessories and Armor Upgrades installed in equipment are now exported as part of the FGU XML file.
  • Mechanic Tricks Resistant Energy and Improved Resistant Energy now allow selection of energy type and provide resistance.
  • Items which can be installed in Armor as upgrades can now actually be installed in Armor.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with speeds granted by the feats Swimming Master and Climbing Master incorrectly interacting with speed adjustment from armor.
  • Removed incomplete sentence from the description of the Anassanoi race entry.
  • The Grunt benefit from the Mercenary Theme now increases bulk limit as described.
  • Added missing spell Bilocation.
  • Set intelligence modifier for Creature Companions to -4 by default.
  • Fixed issue with the 5th level version of the spell Dismissal not being on the Witchwarper class list.
  • Damage bonus from Plasma Sheath now applies to Solar Flares.
  • Added missing Universal Creature Rule for Vulnerability.
  • Class Feature options that should be hidden due to Source filtering now no longer appear in the Options sidebar.
  • Added missing Mystic Epiphany Tripartite Mind from Drift Crisis.
  • Fixed issue where the remaining ammo count for Limited Fire weapons installed in the Starboard arc of a Starship was hidden by the Use and Refill buttons.
  • Fixed issue where the NPC stat block was taking equipped armor into account when calculating AC.
  • Fixed issue with the FGU XML containing standalone ampersands.