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· 3 min read


  • Mystic Epiphany Expanded Skill Channeling now also marks selected skills as class skills.
  • Items that can store things (eg. Backpack, Glove of Storing etc.) can now have equipment added to them from their sidebar.
  • Bonus descriptions in sidebars are greyed-out if they aren't applicable in the final calculation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect source for the Ghibrani race.
  • Fixed Operative Exploit Versatile Movement not granting bonus to swim and climb speeds.
  • Solar Shield's unarmed strike now takes the feat Improved Unarmed Strike into account.
  • Added description for Shiftskin armor.

Feature Voting

Two new features have been added to the list of potential features:

  • Starfinder Society Support: Support easier creation of SFS legal characters.
  • Change Log: A log of changes and updates made to a character, starship etc. including selection of class features, purchasing equipment and so on.

2nd Anniversary

This release marks the second anniversary of Hephaistos' original release. In the past year there's been support added for Mechs, Vehicles, NPCs and Creator Companions, along with innumerable smaller features and bug fixes. I wanted to take a moment to say thanks to everyone who has used the website, suggested features or reported bugs. The continued rapid improvement of Hephaistos is very much a community effort. Looking ahead, I'm excited for what's to come in year 3 with Homebrew support already in the works, and Infosphere and Campaign Management being the next highest ranked features.

Version Number & Beta tag

With this being 2nd anniversary I feel it's a good time to bring in some changes in how Hephaistos releases are versioned. From this release on, the website's version number will consist of a single number (eg. v54 instead of 0.54.0). The "beta" tag will also be dropped from the version. The website has been continually improving in the past two years, and while there will always be features to add and bugs to fix, I think Hephaistos is at a point where I'm comfortable drawing a line in the sand and calling the "beta" phase done.

Character Statistics

Partly because it's the 2nd anniversary, and partly because I thought people may be interested, I've compiled a set of graphs showing the distribution of races, themes, classes and archetypes across the characters in Hephaistos on the Patreon (link). If you have any suggestions for other statistics you'd like to see, let me know and I'll see what I can do.