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· 4 min read


  • Added data from Redshift Rally.
  • Added data from AP 47.


  • Technomancer Magic Hack Spell Countermeasures now adds an entry to the Situational Bonuses section of the Character sheet.
  • Conditioning bonuses from the Commando archetype are now shown in the Situational Bonuses section on the Character Sheet.
  • Added Fine as a possible size for NPCs.
  • Bonus from Halfling racial trait Duck and Cover now appears in the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Tool kits can now be equipped. For most tool kits, equipping them will show the bonus they provide in the Situational Bonuses section of the Quick page.
  • Description for the Soldier class now lists Heavy Weapon, Heavy Armor and Shield as proficiencies.
  • Circumstance bonuses now stack if they're from different sources.

The following improvements have been made to the Fantasy Grounds Unity XML export:

  • Bonuses to Ability score from personal upgrades is now in the "mod" section.
  • Armor upgrades and installed weapons are exported as part of the armor they're installed in.
  • Augmentations are no longer duplicated in the inventory and only show in the Augments section.
  • Spells with no saving throw or SR now have the word "No" in that field.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Ability Crystals not being accounted for when determining damage bonus from the Painful Injection Biohacker Theorem.
  • Fixed NPC, Mech and Vehicle stat blocks to not have unnecessary linebreaks when copied.
  • Fixed issue where Save DCs for Grenades were calculated using Strength instead of Dexterity.
  • Fixed Yasakaja companions having a 5-ft space instead of a 10-ft space.
  • Fixed incorrect BAB calculation when the Stellar Sage alternate class feature is chosen.
  • Fixed issue where the Broken Cycle alternate class feature would influence other class features even after it was unselected.

Improved Ammunition Management

This release brings some major improvements to how ammunition is managed for weapons.

Firstly, when loading ammunition into a weapon the capacity of the weapon is taken into account. So, for example, a Tactical Semi-Auto Pistol can now only have 9 rounds loaded into it.

Secondly, the different categories of ammunition mentioned in the Core Rulebook (Cartridges, Charges & Missiles) work closer to how they should. Cartridge ammo (rounds, shells, bolts, darts, pellets etc.) can be reloaded all at once and will fill up the weapon up to its capacity. Reloading Charge ammo (mainly batteries) will choose the battery the highest remaining charges, while still not exceeding the weapon's capacity. Missiles (including arrows) are reloaded one at a time, meaning that a single press of the reload button will only add one more missile to the weapon until it reaches capacity.

Thirdly, buttons in the Weapons section of the Sheet > Quick tab to Use and Reload are always visible and weapons can be reloaded without needing to be completely empty first. Additionally, a button to unload ammunition has also been added.

Finally, The ammunition selection dropdown in a weapon's sidebar now makes a distinction based on special material. So Small Arm Rounds made of Horacalcum show up as a separate item to normal Small Arm Rounds.

There are still aspects of how ammunition works in the Starfinder rules that aren't completely accounted for, but this should be significant step-up from what has previously existed in Hephaistos.

Breaking Changes

I've tried as much as possible to make this change transparent of existing characters, but unfortunately there is a breaking change. If you view a character that was created before this version and had ammo loaded into weapons the Quick page will show the weapons fully loaded. Further, when you use the ammunition it won't deplete from your inventory. The simplest workaround for this is to unload all ammunition and reload.