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  • Multiple filters of the same type can now be applied when browsing Equipment in the Character and NPC creators.
  • Qualification for feats with prerequisites based on race or racial traits should now be correctly determined.
  • The Plasma Sheath Stellar Revelation can now be activated or deactivated from the Selections section of the Character sheet.

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • Added missing traits for Space Goblins to the Goblinoid subtype graft.
  • Fixed Blaze Scimitars from Tech Revolution being incorrectly named "Blade Scimitars".
  • Fixed Blaze Scimitars from AP 13 having the wrong description and being attributed to the Armory.
  • Fixed strength modifier not being added to melee weapons and attacks in the NPC Creator & Sheet.
  • Fixed special weapons not showing as attacks in the NPC stat block.
  • Fixed incorrect price for Doshakari, Zero-Edge.
  • Mystic connection power Shadow Infusion now actually adds stealth as a class skill.
  • Fixed mystic connection Akashic not providing channel skill bonus at level 1.
  • Fixed typo in description of theme benefit Black Market Connections.
  • Fixed list of selectable spells not accounting for overrides in the NPC creator.
  • Fixed spell Wall of Steam being incorrectly listed as Wall of FIre.

Feature Votingโ€‹

A new feature has been added to the list of potential features: Starship-Scale Creature Creator. As the name suggests, this will allow creation of starship-scale creatures based on rules introduced in the Starship Operation Manual.