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  • Creations can now be organized into collections, similar to items in the inventory.
  • Equipment can now be purchased and crafted from the "Add Equipment" sidebar on the Sheet > Inventory page.
  • Weapon Accessories, Fusions and Crystals can now be installed on stashed weapons, as long as they are also stashed.
  • Stashing or unstashing the Bayonet Bracket weapon accessory will now also stash or unstash any attached weapons.
  • The Hephaistos Importer FoundryVTT module has been updated to 0.18.0 (Release Notes).

Bug Fixesโ€‹

  • Fixed description for Invoke Curse ritual.
  • Fixed bonus to Survival from the Rover fighting style not scaling as described.
  • Fixed incorrect price for item Emergency Kit.

Next Up: Tactical Encounter Managerโ€‹

With this release I'm marking the Infinite Worlds feature as "done" for now, though as always, improvements and bug fixes will continue.

The next highest item in the rankings is a Tactical Encounter Manager, so that's what I'll be working on next.