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· One min read


  • Qualification for feats with prerequisites based on number of arms, size or specific class features are now correctly evaluated.
  • Stellar Attunement can now be selected from the "Selections" tab on the quick sheet. Selecting Photon attunement will add a bonus to damage, while selecting Graviton will add a bonus to Reflex saves.
  • Added special materials for equipment as described in the Armory.
  • Added special materials as trade goods under the Items section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Injection special property DC for certain models of the Injector Pistol.
  • Fixed starship weapon "Crushing Gears" being incorrectly categorized as a Light weapon.
  • Updated missing description for Stellar Mode class feature.
  • Character wealth now properly accounts for improved powered armor.
  • Fixed Spell Focus not showing as qualified for characters spellcasting classes.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed all races having only two hit points.