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· 3 min read


  • Added data from AP 51.
  • Added Pyric Revenant and Pyric Wraith NPC template grafts.


  • Added "Weapon Effect" and "Equipped Effect" fields in the homebrew manager for weapons.
  • The wealth sidebar in the Inventory now shows a more detailed brekadown of prices.
  • Spell Command, Greater now includes the description of the Command spell.
  • Increased NPC limit to 120.
  • The Throwing weapon now updates a weapons range when installed.
  • Envoy alternate class feature Tech Whisperer now allows selection of skills, and replaces the Skill Expertise class feature to better represent the difference in options and progression between the two features.
  • Added documentation for item and weapon properties.
  • Added documentation on sharing creations.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Halfling species trait Cunning only providing a +1 bonus to skills instead of +2.
  • Added missing traits on Robot Dragon template grafts.
  • Wealth calculation for characters now takes drone inventory into account.
  • Fixed minor visual issue where attack bonuses from both the Weapon Focus and Versatile Focus feats would appear to be active, when only one of them should be.
  • Fixed Drift Crashers AP parts two and three being listed as Modules instead of Adventure Paths in the Sources section.
  • Fixed AC overrides not being represented in the Mech, Vehicle and NPC stat blocks.
  • Fixed issue where rituals would be exported as null in the JSON file.

Campaign Manager - Phase 1

With the release comes the first phase of the Campaign Manager. You can now:

  • Create Campaigns.
  • Add player creations (characters, creature companions, starships, mechs, vehicles and NPCs) to a Campaign.
  • Restrict sources for all creations in a Campaign.
  • Add homebrew which will be available to all creations in a Campaign.
  • Have a dashboard to quickly see stats for all creations in a Campaign.

When I first mentioned I was working on the Campaign Manager a few release posts back, I got suggestions around having some sort of item sharing capabilities. These matched some ideas of my own, so that's what I'll be working on for Phase 2. However, before we get there I'd like to refine what we already have, so give the campaign manager a go and let me know what you think. I also want specific feedback about the dashboard: what stats would be helpful to see there? is there any other functionality that would make it more useful for you? and so on.

Importing Into Hephaistos

One feature request that comes up frequently is importing characters, starships etc. back into Hephaistos. The current JSON export is designed to support Foundry and Roll20, and so, doesn't have the correct information to be able to import it back into Hephaistos. Before I start thinking about implementation or adding it to the Feature Voting page, I'd like to understand the use-cases people have for this feature. Broadly speaking, there seem to be two reasons for importing into Hephaistos:

  • Backup and restore/transfer characters: This is the easier of the two use-cases, since only Hephaistos needs to know about the inner workings of the "backup" file.
  • Import characters from VTTs: This is the harder use-case to implement, since Hephaistos will need to interpret each of the different VTTs' export formats.

If you're someone who would like to see this feature implemented, please let me know what your use-case is (one of the two above, or something else).

· 2 min read


  • Mechanics with the Experimental Explosives class feature will now automatically add an item to represent the explosives pack to the inventory.
  • Added support for multiple computers and network nodes for supercolossal starships in the Starship Creator.
  • Updated dragonscript to allow getting the level of homebrew classes.
  • The ability score used to calculate attack and damage bonuses for a weapon can now be overriden in the sidebar.
  • Sidebar for feats in the Sheet > Feat section now shows their source (if any).
  • Added a placeholder avatar in the Creator > Details section.
  • Removed ammunition management notification, and old Selections tab from the Sheet > Quick page. The "Selections 2.0" tab has been renamed to just "Selections".

FGU XML Export

  • Senses are now part of the exported XML.
  • Removed extraneous untyped damage from weapons.
  • Weapon damage types are now separated by commas instead of "&".
  • Ability names have their type (Ex, Sp or Su) as part of the name.
  • Exported Stellar Revelations now have their mode (Photon or Graviton) as part of the info instead of the name.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect size values for Starship thrusters C4, C6 and C8.
  • Fixed issue where signing out would redirect to the wrong URL.
  • The Hauler feat now actually increases carrying capacity and reduces penalty to skills when encumbered or overburdened.
  • Fixed incorrect level and price for item Emergency Life Shell, Mk 3.
  • Fixed prerequisites for the feat Scurry not being calculated correctly for small sized SROs and Ghorans.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from Drift Crisis Case Files.


  • Skill for Android species trait Infosphere Integration can now be selected from the Selections 2.0 tab. If you had previously selected a skill for this trait in the Creator you will nned to select it again from the Selections 2.0 tab in the sheet.
  • Operative alternate class feature Improvisor now adds an Improvised Weapon to the Character Sheet.
  • Generating or revoking a read-only link for any creation or homebrew item now triggers a save immediately.
  • Item Buoyant Pack can now actually store items like an Industrial Backpack.
  • Moved Starship system Energy-Absorbent Plating from the "Armor" section to "Other System" so it can be installed with normal armor.
  • Additional spell for Witchwarper Paradigm Shift Eldritch Secret can now be selected.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where damage bonus from the Soldier Gear Boost Melee Striker was being calculated incorrectly.
  • Fixed minor typo in the description of augmentation Shuffling Feet.
  • Fixed issue where using grenades from the Quick page would add credits as if the grenade was being sold.
  • Fixed Dwarf species trait Zero-G Dwarf not increase land speed.


For too long now Hephaistos has existed without a domain of its own. That changes now. As of this release, Hephaistos can now be found at

The current address will continue to work.

Campaign Manager

As of this release, work on the Campaign Manager feature has begun. The initial goals for the Campaign Manager are:

  • Allow GMs to create, edit and delete Campaigns.
  • Allow players and GMs to add characters, creature companions, starships, mechs, vehicles and NPCs to a Campaign.
  • Allow GMs restrict sources for all creations in a Campaign.
  • Allow GMs to add homebrew items Campaign-wide.

Once these initial features are released, the door will be open for more advanced functionality, so let me know what other features you'd like to see in the Campaign Manager.

· 2 min read


  • Added description field for homebrew Mech Weapons.
  • Spell-like abilities granted by feats now show their per-day usage in the Spells section of the Character Sheet.
  • Feats Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration now add entries to the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Added support for tracking CP and Computer subskills for the Dynamic Hacking subsystem as part of the Computers skill's sidebar.
  • Various optimizations to improve performance.
  • Level 12 benefit Care for Others of the Crisis Refugee theme now adds Mystic Cure as a spell-like ability.
  • The feat Accelerated Recovery now actually heals twice as many Hit Points on a long rest.

Bug Fixes

  • Input boxes that accept floating point numbers now go up to two decimal places.
  • Fixed shield values missing from the Starship JSON export.
  • Fixed bug where the Major Form and Minor Form tags for equipment weren't accounted for when checking if a character was encumbered.
  • Fixed having to select the sign-in method twice when signing in to Hephaistos.


  • Added support for homebrewing classes and rituals.

With the release the "Homebrew" feature is finally completed. The features page ( has been updated to reflect this. As for what's next, looking at the feature rankings it looks like it'll either be the Campaign Management or Infosphere.

Class Statistics - Part 5

The fifth and final round of class statistics looking at Vanguards and Witchwarpers (link).

· 2 min read


  • Added data from AP 50.


  • Rituals can now be found under the Equipment section of the Creator.
  • Starship expansion bays Power Core Housing and Booster Thruster Housing now have options for selecting the Power Core or Thruster installed in.them, respectively.
  • Names for Creature Companion attacks can now be overridden from their sidebar.
  • Optical Laser augmentation now shows up in the weapons section when equipped.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed description for Gather Qi Soldier Fighting Style.
  • Fixed issue where traits added to a homebrew NPC grafts could later have their display name edited as part of NPC creation.
  • Fixed incorrect mark number for Solar Flare Grenades.
  • Use button for grenades in the Quick section of the Character Sheet is now hidden in read-only mode.


  • Creature Companion grafts can be homebrewed.
  • Vehicle type, size, origin and special grafts, as well as modifications, can be homebrewed.
  • Senses cam now be added to homebrewed racial/species traits.
  • Added "Special" as a possible weapon type for homebrew weapons.

Class Statistics - Part 4

I've posted the next round of statistics, this time looking at class features for the Solarian, Soldier and Technomancer classes (link).