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· 2 min read


  • Operative Specializations that provide a bonus to skill checks for trick attacks now add an entry to the Situational Bonuses section.
  • Added Starship Combat rules from the Core Rulebook and Character Operations Manual to the infosphere.
  • Solarian class feature Sidereal Influence now adds an entry to the Selections tab which can be used to choose graviton or photon skills.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed old deprecated "Selections" still having an effect on the character
  • The Crusader Mystic Connection now correctly grants Advanced Melee Weapon Specialization at level 3.
  • Fixed typo in the Vulkarisu species trait Guileful Tricks.


  • Added tactical rules from the Core Rulebook to the infosphere.
  • Added environment and trap rules from the Core Rulebook.
  • Equipment lists in the infosphere can now be sorted.
  • Added Starship Crew Action Critical Effects and Boarding rules from the Starship Operations Manual.

In addition to the improvements above, the Infosphere is also a "Progressive Web App", which means that if you're using a Google Chrome (or another Chromium-based browser) the Infosphere will be cached locally and can be used offline. You can also install the Infosphere to your desktop or home screen (e.g. documentation for Chrome)

With these updates, I think the Infosphere is in a good enough place to call "done", though, obviously, I will continue to maintain, improve and add data.

Next Up: Improved PDF Exports

As mentioned in the last release, the next feature off the block is "Improved PDF Exports". In addition to supporting other PDF sheets for characters, I will also be adding support for at least the offical Mech and Vehicle sheets. As before, if you have any suggestions for PDF sheets you'd like to see supported, definitely let me know.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from Angels of the Drift #2.
  • Added missing species Kaa-Leki (from AP 38).


  • Attack and damage rolls for spells can be rolled from their description in the sidebar.
  • Added support for Augmentation & Weapon Manufacturers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Soulfire fusion not adding charisma modifier to damage.
  • Fixed feat Focused Sense not automatically checking for qualification.
  • Fixed some feats prerequisites checking for the ability to spells incorrectly.
  • Save DCs for grenades now take proficiency into account.


  • Added NPC arrays, grafts, adjustments and universal creature rules.
  • Added Creature Companion grafts.
  • Added Augmentation & Weapon Manufacturers.
  • Added summary descriptions from Interstellar Species for species.

With this release, all the data that exists within the Hephaistos database has been added to the Infosphere. There are a few minor things I'd like to do before calling the base feature "done"; I also want to know what data and features you'd like to see on the Infosphere?

Looking Ahead: Improved PDF Exports

The next feature at the top of the rankings is improving the PDF exports to support sheets with a different layout and/or room for detailed information. So, what are your favorite PDF sheets to use for Starfinder characters? I'd also welcome suggestions for drone, starship, mech and vehicle sheets.

· 2 min read


  • Equipment collections in the inventory now show the combined bulk of items contained within.
  • Equipment collections can now be transferred between current, stash and shared inventories.
  • Homebrew Augmentations can now have Dragonscript effects.
  • Transfer dropdown in the inventory now allows specifying the number of items to transfer when equipment is grouped.
  • When equipped, the Gnomish Anytool and Gnomish Duffel items now add separate entries to the inventory for each item they contain.
  • Added a right-click menu for rollable stats which allows for quick modification before rolling, and copying the dice roll in a discord-bot-friendly format (tested with RPG Sage and Rollem Rocks).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed inconsistent calculations when multiple shields are equipped.
  • Fixed incorrect price for Gimmick, Elemental (Master).
  • Fixed incorrect alignment of transfer and remove buttons for custom items in Campaign inventory.
  • Fixed some class weapons, including Adaptive Strike and Swarm Strike, not being on the exported PDF.
  • Removed unrelated sentence at the end of the description for Envoy Improvisation Quick Quaff.
  • Fixed empty mount listings on the Starship > Sheet > Quick page not accounting for the Array special property.


  • Added missing feats from Interstellar Species.
  • Added "Spells Per Day", "Spells Known" and "Bonus Spells" tables to spellcasting classes.
  • Added Drone, Mech, Vehicle and Starship systems.
  • Added Conditions, Affliction Tracks, Downtime Activities, and Skill Tasks.

· 2 min read


  • Scyphozoans now have a selection to activate or deactivate Acidic Tentacles.
  • Added missing feats from the Worlanisi section of Interstellar Species.
  • Level/Tier and some additional information is shown in the Creature Companion, Starship, Mech and NPC cards on the Creations list page.
  • Incomplete sections of the Mech and Vehicle creator are now marked with an asterisk.
  • Augmentation Intensification Antennae now let you select which sense the bonus applies to.
  • Augmentation Ultralight Wings now provides a selection on the Character Sheet to fold or deploy the wings.
  • Added a one-half BAB scaling option in the Class homebrew editor.
  • Foundry Hephaistos Importer module has been updated to 0.16.0 (Release Notes).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where quickly transferring items between the current and shared inventory could result in some items getting lost.
  • Added missing traits "Size and Type" and "Darkvision" to the Gnoll species. Note: If you've got an existing Gnoll character, you will need to activate these traits manually from the Creator > Race section.
  • Fixed Worlanisi characters not having Limited Telepathy listed as a Sense on the Sheet > Quick page.
  • Fixed issue where duplicating characters from read-only would lead to the new character having incorrect stats.


  • Added remaining equipment categories (Armor, Powered Armor, Armor Upgrades, Weapons, Shields, Ammunition, Weapon Accessories, Weapon Fusions & Rituals).
  • Added Classes.
  • The list of all spells can now be filtered by Range, Casting Time, Saving Throw, Spell Resistance, and if they're harmless.
  • The "See All Results" link in the search dropdown now leads to a results page.

Starfinder 2E

As you all are no doubt already aware, Starfinder 2E got announced at GenCon. Supporting SF2E in Hephaistos (and learning PF2E) is something I'll be thinking about as we move forward, but the full release is still two years away. In the mean time, I want to reassure anyone who may be concerned that my commitment to Starfinder 1E hasn't changed. I will be continuing to work through the roadmap (, and adding new content from official releases as they happen. I also intend to continue adding features, improvements and bug fixes for SF1E for as long as I'm getting feedback from the community.

· 3 min read


  • The Pincered LFAN feat now has an option to pick between normal Natural Weapons or Natural Weapons with the Operative property, as described in the feat. Note: If you've selected this feat on an existing character, you will need to choose one of these options in the Creator > Feat section to get the described benefit.
  • Weapons in the Creator > Equipment section can now be filtered by category.
  • NPC adjustment Brute now adds a tag that can be added to NPC attacks to automatically apply the described adjustments.
  • Added an equipment tag for the Technomancer alterate class feature Cache Augmentation which can be applied to augmentations.
  • Miniturization upgrade for Computers now automatically reduces bulk as described.
  • Bonuses to ability scores from race/species and theme are now greyed-out in the sidebar to indicate they are ignored when using Ability Score Quick Picks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where Intimidate bonus for Starship crew members was not showing in the stat block.
  • Fixed Operative Exploit Death Strike reducing damage from the feat Deadly Aim, instead of just reducing damage from Weapon Specialization for Natural Weapons.
  • Fixed typo in the name of the weapon Boomknuckles.
  • Fixed typo in the name of the armor upgrade Medical Analysis Kit.
  • Fixed shields with no max dex showing up as -1 in the Creator > Equipment > Shield sidebar.

Dice Roll Events

This release introduces an event-based API for dice rolls. When a player click on a modifier to roll dice, an event is fired off in the web browser which can be intercepted (e.g. by a browser extension) to perform actions as part of an integration. Technical details for this API can be found in the Hephaistos documentation.

Campaign Manager

This release adds two features to the Campaign Manager: showing Creations in the read-only view, and a shared inventory.

Fistly, GMs can now mark Creations so that they are shown on the Dashboard in read-only view. This can be done from the sidebar for each creation in the Prepare > Player Creations section within a campaign.

Next is the ability to have a shared inventory for all Creations in a Campaign. A new Shared tab will appear alongside the Current and Stash tabs on the Sheet > Inventory page (or Creator > Gear & Attacks > Inventory for NPCs) when a Creation is part of a Campaign. Additionally, a Treasure section has been added to Campaigns, which functions as an inventory for campaigns where GMs can prepare treasure or loot. GMs and Players can transfer items between their respective inventories and the shared inventory, and changes to the shared inventory will be automatically propagated to others.

With these updates, I think the core of the Campaign Manager is done. As always, improvements and bug fixes will continue to happen for the Campaign Manager, as with the rest of the website.

Next Up: Infosphere

Since the core Campaign Manager is now completed, it's time to move on to the next major feature, which based on the rankings will be the Infosphere. As a brief reminder, during PaizoCon a few months ago I put up an early version of the Infosphere here: While it's very much an "alpha" version, it should give you a good idea of what I'm aiming for, and also provide oppportunity for early feedback.