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· One min read


  • Feats that allow choosing spells, like Reality Glimmer, now have a more detailed description for each spell option.
  • Class Features, Feats, Spells and Equipment sidebars in the Character > Sheet section now show sources.
  • The list of all homebrew items can now be filtered by type and all items can be selected with a checkbox.
  • Increased the homebrew limit to 240.
  • Added Scaling Weapons from Starfinder Enhanced. You can create scaling weapons from the "Add Equipment" sidebar in the Sheet > Inventory section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed not being able to assign a special material to scaling armor.
  • Fixed descriptions for Bone Crest-Eater and Obsidian Electrovore Figurines of Wondorous Power
  • Fixed issue where drones would not be automatically loaded when duplicating a character from a read-only link.
  • Fixed issue where effects from a Mech Upgrade wouldn't stack when installing it multiple times.
  • Fixed issue where heavy armor could be equipped with powered armor.

· One min read


  • Characters without Starfinder Enhanced as source no longer see extra resolve point usage options.
  • Custom bonuses can now be added to weapon damage.
  • Added scaling armor from Starfinder Enhanced. You can create scaling armor from the "Add Equipment" sidebar in the Sheet > Inventory section.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed grammatical oddities in the description of some armor.
  • Fixed incorrect name for weapon Disposal Blade.
  • Fixed issue with enhanced class features showing in the Sheet when Starfinder Enhanced was disabled as a source.
  • Fixed bonus from the Toughness feat being applied twice when the Lashunta alternate class feature Rugged is selected.
  • Fixed issue where overrides to an NPC's strength would be incorrectly applied when calculating weapon damage bonus.
  • Fixed Novus Missile Launcher being listed as a Longarm instead of a Heavy Weapon.
  • Fixed formatting issues with the Scaling Armor Perks section in the Infosphere.

· 2 min read


  • Added data from Angels of the Drift #4.
  • Updated with latest errata.
  • Removed duplicate entries for Bone Spines and Blaze Scimitars.


  • Descriptions for Class Features in the Creator > Class section can now be collapsed. Additionally, unselected class features are collapsed by default.
  • Class features and drone special abilities can now have notes added to them in the Creator.
  • Weapon names on the Mech > Sheet > Quick page can now be clicked to reveal a sidebar with more details.
  • The Quick page of the vehicle sheet now shows separate base and modification prices as well as the total price of the vehicle.
  • Specialized resolve point uses from Starfinder Enhanced are now part of the Character Sheet Quick page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed incorrect warning when attempting to set the dice sides of a homebrew weapon via Dragonscript.
  • Fixed oddities in the description of the Starship Expansion Bay Launch Tubes.
  • Fixed Solarian Alternate Class Feature Broken Cycle so you can now select either two Zenith Revelations or one Zenith and one Stellar Revelation at 9th and 17th level.
  • Fixed incorrect price showing in the Vehicle stat block.
  • Fixed Sonic damage being shortened to "S" instead of "So" in the Infosphere.

· 2 min read


  • Envoy Expertise Talent Maneuver Expertise now allows selection of the combat maneuver it applies to. Additional versions of the Talent have been added to facilitate selecting it multiple times.
  • Added a table to quickly calculate Expertise Die to Envoy class features that replace Expertise.
  • Damage dice rolls now list the damage type(s).

Bug Fixes

  • The Creator > Class > Spells section for prepared casters is now only marked as incomplete if there are more level 0 spells to be selected.
  • Fixed spell school for Intellect Fortress being necromancy instead of abjuration.
  • Fixed starship expansion bay Sky Crane to take two bays as described.
  • Fixed the syntax when copying dice rolls for Solarian weapons with multiple dice and damage types for Discord bots.
  • Fixed technological items from Pact Worlds that were mislabeled as being personal items.

Printable Character Sheet

  • All weapon fusions, weapon accessories and armor upgrades attached to an item as part of the item's entry.
  • Similar equipment in a character's inventory is now grouped with a quantity field.
  • Drones are now included if the character has one.

With these changes, I think the printable sheet is in a good enough position to call the feature "done", though, obviously, it'll continue to be updated as feedback and suggestions come in.

Next Up: Infinite Worlds

The next major feature off the ranked roadmap is going to be "Infinite Worlds". Mainly aimed at GMs, the goal of this feature is to incorprate the rules and content from the Deck of Many Worlds and Galaxy Exploration Manual, making it quick and easy to create planets and star systems.

· 2 min read


  • Added a separate Spell Chip computer module for each spell level. After installing a Spell Chip for a specific level the contained spell can now be chosen.
  • The specific battery to be loaded into a weapon or armor upgrade can now be selected from their respective sidebar.
  • The character.racialTraitNames Dragonscript property can now be used to append additional trait names for the purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where certain archetypes wouldn't provide level-based benefits correctly when chosen as a Free Archetype.
  • When choosing a skill for the Shirren species trait Individual Obsession that would also be a class skill due to the chosen theme, but not from a class, the character will now gain additional skill ranks as described in the species trait.
  • Fixed benefit description for feat Weak Point.
  • Damage bonuses from NPC array and strength modifier is no longer added to grenades.
  • Fixed not being able to apply the Thaumaturgic Spellthrower tag to any weapon.
  • Fixed issue where the bonus to spell DCs from the Spell Focus feat would sometimes be added twice.
  • Fixed Gussy Up being incorrectly marked as a combat feat.
  • Added missing Size and Type trait to the Entu Symbiote species.
  • Fixed spelling error in the description for the Kick in the Door ability of the Soldier fighting style Tunnel Striker.

Character PDF Improvements

To improve the detail and information available in a downloadble and printable PDF form, I thought I'd try experimenting with creating a custom layout. The "download" dropdown in the top-left of the Character Creator now has a "print" option which will present your character in a printable layout that contains all relevant statistics and detailed information about their species, theme, class, feats, spells and equipment.

This is just my first pass at creating a custom layout and it will definitely need further refinement, so give it a try and let me know of any issues you encounter or suggestions you have on how to improve it.