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Sharing Characters

You can now generate a sharable URL for you character that can be used by others to access a read-only version of the character sheet. This is facilitated by the newly added Share section on the Creator page. Once generated, you also have the option to revoke the link thereby removing access.


  • Added filtering by item level for armor and weapon.
  • Downloaded character PDF now has feats, abilities and proficiencies sections populated.
  • Ability score totals, armor class, saving throws and attack bonuses can now have custom bonuses added to them.
  • Lashuntas and Gnomes now show their racial spells in the Spells section of the Sheet.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Melee Striker Gear Boost bonus not being properly accounted for when Sickened.
  • Fixed issue with custom bonuses for Skills aren't shown on the downloaded PDF.

· 2 min read

Character Sheet PDF

Characters can now be downloaded in a pre-filled version of the official Starfinder character sheet. This can be done using the download button located in the top-left when a character is open for viewing or editing. Currently, the first page of the sheet is completely filled but the second page only the spells and equipment are filled out on the second page. More of the sheet will start being filled out in the next few releases.

Filtering Armor and Weapon

Weapons and Armor in the Equipment section of the Creator can now be filtered by type and handedness (as appropriate). To apply a filter, simply hover over the search input box and select the filter you'd like to use from the dropdown.

Custom Bonuses for Skills

With this release, custom bonuses can be added to each skill from the same dropdown that you use to override the total. Unlike the override, custom bonuses are added to the normal calculation. Custom bonuses will be propagated to other sections (Abilities, Saves, Attack Bonuses etc.) in future releases.


  • The ability score used for certain skill now changes based on a Biohacker's selected key ability score.
  • The Walk of the Void class feature from the Mystic's Star Shaman connection now adds Piloting as a class skill
  • Added ability to override whether or not a skill is considered a "class skill"
  • All archetype features for the Battleflower archetype are now optional
  • Unarmed Strike, Solar Weapon, Solar Flare and Entropic Strike can now be "unequipped"


  • Fixed spelling error with Envoy Improvisation "Phalanx Fighting"
  • Fixed incorrect bonus source information for skills associated with an Operative Specialization
  • Fixed typo with the Boost special property of the Tactical Infinity Rifle
  • Fixed typo in Envoy Improvisation "Clever Feint"
  • Weapons on the quick page now have a lighter border color to fit better with the rest of the page
  • Unselected racial trait checkboxes now have a darker background color in the dark theme to fit in better.

· One min read


  • Added data from AP 31 and AP 32


  • You can now select which of your saves a Ring of Resistance (all Mk numbers) provides benefit to.
  • Notifications have been removed from the top bar. Instead, they now show on bottom left of the page and disappear after a few seconds.
  • Added an input box in the details page for entering languages.
  • Weapon and armor proficiencies are shown on the Quick sheet
  • Added notes for Ammunition, Armor Upgrades, Augmentations, Weapon Accessories and Weapon Fusions


  • Fixed bug with Nuar ability adjustments not being applied.
  • Fixed issue where notes couldn't be added in the Creator > Race page
  • Fixed issue where injection weapon proficiency wasn't properly accounted for.

· 2 min read

Dark Theme

You can now switch between the current light theme and a dark theme using the newly added button next to the notifications icon on the top navigation bar.


  • Items in list pages like Races, Themes, etc. now have alternating colors.
  • Improved formatting for feat benefits and prerequisites in general.
  • Fixed formatting for Divine Blessing and Helpful Telepath feats.
  • You can now press the Enter key to submit the search term on the Race, Theme, Class, Feats, Spells and Equipment sections in the Creator.
  • Notifications are now grouped. Also, a "Clear All" button has been added to the notification dropdown.
  • Added a confirmation dialog when attempting to delete selected Classes, Spells, Archetypes, Races, Themes and Feats.
  • The Spells section in the Sheet now has spells sorted by level. Additionally, individual spells can have their descriptions expanded or collapsed and can be shown or hidden based on their level.
  • Tabs in the equipment page are now horizontally scrollable thereby improving how the page adheres to the width of the browser window.
  • For Soldiers, the Armored Advantage, Finesse Striker, Melee Striker and Nimble Juggernaut gear boosts now apply their effects automatically.
  • The Fleet feat now applies its effect automatically.
  • Added numerical delimiters when displaying the current number of credits.

Bug Fixes

  • Updated various HTML elements to use the correct font.
  • Fixed bug where equipping and unequipping items would give credits.
  • Fixed issue where selected ammunition for weapons wouldn't persist after a page reload.
  • Fixed issue where source for the various speed types wouldn't show in the quick sheet dropdown if a speed was overridden.
  • Fixed minor visual bug whereby the spell levels wouldn't show in the Spells tab of the Class section in the Creator
  • Fixed issue where the KAC override would be incorrectly saved as the EAC override.
  • "AC vs Combat Maneuver" calculation now takes KAC override into account.

· One min read

Preview Mode

A new "preview" mode has been added that doesn't require you to sign in. This can be accessed using the "Continue Without Sign In" button on the main page. In this mode, you can create a character as normal though you will still need to sign in to save any characters you create.


You can now add afflictions to your character using the newly added "Afflictions" section under the "Sheet" page. Each affliction has it's own track and stage, which you can edit as required. Simple effects, like enabling conditions and penalties to various rolls, are automatically applied based on the track and stage.


  • Penalties to ability score modifiers and encumbrance limit from conditions is now taken into account.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where having no armor or shield equip would result in a -4 penalty due to lack of proficiency
  • Fixed option selection for feats that are added automatically (eg. Skill Focus for Mechanic with Exocortex)
  • Fixed spelling error in the beta banner