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The category of the ammunition affects how it is loaded into a weapon.

Cartridge ammunition (including rounds, darts and petrol) can be loaded as a single action and will fill the weapon up to its capacity. In Hephaistos this category also support partial reloading. For example, you can fire three rounds from a Semi-Auto Pistol and then use the reload button to load three rounds from your inventory and fill the Pistol back up to capacity.

Charge ammunition refers mainly to batteries. Batteries must be loaded or unloaded in their entirety. Reloading Charge ammunition in Hephaistos will result in the currently loaded battery being replaced with a different battery from your inventory.

Missiles (including arrows) are be loaded one at a time. In Hephaistos, this means that each use of the reload button will only load one missile.

More detailed information on the rules for ammunition within Starfinder can be found in Chapter 7 of the Core Rulebook.