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Variable-Level Spells

Spells in Hephaistos can only have one level per class. To create a variable-level spell you should create a new homebrew spell for each level.

Generally a player will only have a variable-level spell at the highest level they can cast it at. Further, selecting the spell at a higher level replaces the lower-level version. Within Hephaistos this is achieved using the Variable-Level ID field.

The Variable-Level ID field can contain an arbitrary value. When a player selects a variable-level spell, Hephaistos will look through their currently known spells and remove any lower-level spells with the same Variable-Level ID.


Spell durations can vary significantly and can sometimes be complicated. At the same time, parts of the duration are also calculable - especially when they are scaled by caster level. Hephaistos provides two complementary mechanisms for specifying a spells' duration.

Full Description

The Full Description field can be used to specify the exact details of the duration. This will be shown in the Creator when browsing Spells, and in the spell's sidebar.

Calculated Durations

The Calculated Duration section provides a more rigid interface for specifying durations that can be calculated and summarized and shown in the Spells section of the Quick sheet.

You can specify multiple calculated durations, one to represent each component of the full duration. For example, if the full duration is concentration, up to 1 round/level, you would have two calculated durations: one set to concentration and another for 1 round/level.